“For us, the establishment of a company in Bulgaria is another step in pursuit of the strategy of expansion into the Central and Eastern European markets. We are going to commence the very first project in that country via our Bulgarian company. In the near future, we are going to close a very good purchase of land for residential construction. We have noticed that affluent customers are willing to buy the so-called ‘second homes’ which are used in the summer for recreation. We want to offer such apartments on the Bulgarian market”, explains Jerzy Zdrzałka, President of J.W. Construction Holding S.A.
J.W. Construction Bulgaria EOOD was established in accordance with the laws of Bulgaria as an equivalent of a Polish limited liability company. J.W. Construction Holding S.A. has taken 500 shares with a par value of BGN 10 each and the total value of BGN 5,000. At the NBP average rate of 8.10.2007 (date of establishment), it is over PLN 9,500. The shares represent 100% of the share capital of the company. The shares were paid up with own funds of JWCH and are treated as a long-term investment.
J.W. Construction is the largest residential developer in Poland, present mainly in Warsaw but also in Łódź and Gdynia, and abroad. The Company is the leader of the Warsaw residential market where it has been engaged in development activity since 1994. In addition to the pursuit of development projects, the company also handles construction in the capacity of general contractor of the majority of its investments. J.W. Construction owns and operates the Hotels 500 network, consisting of five hotels: in Zegrze, Stryków, Tarnów Podgórny, Cieszyn and Św. Lipka. On 4 June 2007, the Company had its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 2006, J.W. Construction earned PLN 132 million net, with revenue of PLN 726 million.
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